Just stickered and rigged my new 5.1 Simmer Blacktip and it looks sick! Im heading out to Dahab on sunday at long last! Im going to stay there for a few months to train ready for the PWA event in Austria, lots of the other Club Vass guys will be there so it should be a good trip. Whilst I'm there I will also visit El Tur for a week or so and am also considering doing a trip to Eilat in Israel to go and sail with Yaaaardeen Meir!
After a lot of hard work and time spent in the gym my knee seems to have fully recovered so fingers crossed it wont be a problem in the future! I have still been warned by my physio to take it easy for the first week or so.
Check back soon because hopefully next week I will have some photos of my new boards and some news about my new Sponsorship!